TSR Watermark Image Pro is an easy and quick way to get a picture watermark; ease of use make learning fast even for non-technical people. If you have employees who need to add a watermark to your photos before uploading online, TSR Watermark software is a very good choice.
- Add multiple watermarks for each image.
- Storing every image in multiple output folders, this way you can easyli generate thumbnails etc. in one run.
- Automatically rotate the watermarked picture based on the orientation EXIF tag - this is written to the image by many modern cameras.
- Keep or drop EXIF information in jpeg files (Camera model / model lense / etc. Etc.)
- Output watermarked photo to JPEG, TIFF, PNG, BMP, GIF file format.
- Determine the quality of the watermarking output when saving as jpeg images
- Resize images while watermarking the image / photo
- Watermark your photos using either another image, photo or picture
- Watermark your photos using your own text in the color and style you want.
- Maintain the directory structure in destination directory or combine all batch watermarked images into one directory
- Automatically checks for new versions of TSR Watermark Image Software
TSR Watermark Image Pro | 11 Mb